Outlaws of Alcatraz
Many only had one thought constantly flowing through their minds and that was "escape." Many died trying to escape but there is no doubt that some may have succeeded. Alcatraz was one of the most strict and toughest prison. Prisoners were beat, tortured and locked up in dungeons below Alcatraz. Many prisoners went insane and became extremely dangerous to themselves and others.


Also learn the facts about the Electric chair and why criminals feared it so much. Learn about Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Carlo Gambino, and Sam Giancana.
But Capone wasn't all bad. In fact he helped alot of people during the hard times of the depression. It's true, while the Government did nothing to help the millions of poor people. Capone opened up bread and soup lines to feed the poor and hundred. He even stood on the streets for hours and served the food himself to those with little more then the wool mittens on their hands to call their own.
He started a city ordinance to assure that no children in Chicago will have to drink spoiled milk. He bought blocks of baseball tickets for Boy Scout troops. He contributed money to build the St.Attractas School. At Christmas time Capone dressed up and played Santa Claus for the neighborhood kids.
Capone was found guilty of tax invasion on October 24,1931. Who was the man that finally got Capone? Was it Elliot Ness of the Untouchables? Today known as the ATF (Alcohal, Tobacco, and Firearms).
Ness and his men did break up some of Capones stills, but it was another department which would later be known as the IRS that sent the badman to Alcatraz. Over the years Ness has received all the credit for the man who got Capone, credit he never deserved.
Ness rarely even left his office and never carried a gun in his life, according to his men. Capone went to his grave oweing the Government eight hundred thousand dollars. It was said that his earnings in the nineteen twenties was one to ten million a year. Capone's office was located at the Lexington Hotel, room 530 on Chicago's South side.
Several secret tunnels were discovered under the hotel which ran for about 60 miles in every direction under Chicago. These tunnels were big enough to drive semi-trucks through. Al Capone was released from Alcatraz January 6,1939 and died January 25,1947 in his Florida home at age 48.
The Boys are Back
Don't nobody move!
I Got em! I Got em!
It's time to Hi-tail it out of here!

The Chair
Now days the crime rate is at an extreme high because there is more people in the world and because the fear of a painful death for violate crimes is gone. The chair has been replaced with lethel injection. Now days murderers can torture people with painful deaths and know that if they get caught they may have to pay for their crimes ten years later with a peaceful painless death.
I will not get into what actually happens to the persons body who is being electrocuted, but believe me it is not pleasant. Some people argue that the death penalty violates the eight amendment with protects people from cruel and unusual punishment. But the fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws. In some States a stranger can break into your home threaten to kill you or another family member.
If you pull a gun and kill him, you'd better be able to prove you acted in self defense or your going to jail. On the other hand if you wound the intruder and he doesn't die, he sue you in a court of law and win. It this Constitutional? Today the laws protect the criminal not the victim.